Life Insurance
Looking to get some life insurance quotes? Perfect! Look no further than here! Our agency offers many options in regards to life insurance.
Here are some life insurance options we offer in our agency*
- Term Life Insurance
- Simplified Issue Life Insurance
- Universal Life Insurance
- Whole Life Insurance
- Key-Person Insurance
- Disability Income Insurance
- Annuities
1 in 4 people feel they need more life insurance.
8 in 10 Americans say family is the most important thing to them, but only half have life insurance (55%) to protect them.
54% of Americans would have trouble paying living expenses immediately or within several months if the primary wage-earner died.
8 in 10 Americans overestimate the true cost of life insurance.
1 in 3 households would have immediate trouble paying living expenses if the primary wage earner died.
6 in 10 married households with children have an average life insurance gap of nearly $320,000.
Source: Closing the Life Insurance Gap One Household at a Time, LIMRA, 2015, 2016 Insurance Barometer Study, Life Happens and LIMRA, 2017 Insurance Barometer Study, Life Happens and LIMRA,
Insure Your Love Study 2017, Life Happens

We offer many different life insurance options. Call us today to find out which type of policy is right for you.
Provides low-cost, level death benefit insurance for a 10, 20,
or 30-year period. Several optional riders are available so you
can tailor the policy to fit your needs. The minimum amount of
coverage is $50,000 (or $100,000 for the Premier Non-Tobacco
rate class).
Term Life Insurance Policy Types:
• 10 Year Level Term
• 20 Year Level Term
• 30 Year Level Term
Provides long-term protection that may last your entire life while
building cash value. Choose from a variety of optional coverages
to create a policy that fits your needs.
Permanent Life Insurance Policy Types:
• Traditional Whole Life
• Single Pay Whole Life
• Ten Pay Whole Life
• Universal Life
Simplified Issue products do not require a physical exam or any
medical tests. You only have to be able to answer “no” to a few
questions on the application. The minimum coverage amount is
$10,000 and maximum coverage amount is $50,000.
Simplified Issue Policy Types:
• Simplified Issue Children’s Advantage Plan Plus®
• Simplified Issue Whole Life
• Simplified Issue 5 Year Term

How much coverage or which coverage should you choose?
For more information on life insurance coverages click here.
*Coverage availability varies by state and company. Please refer to your policy for more details about the coverages you’ve bought.
Ephesians 4:32
Be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, as God in Christ forgave you.